Mounted Wall Prints

Display Your Favorite Moments & Memories

Whether for your home or office, our premium Mounted Wall Prints will liven up any room with your favorite photographs and memories.

Printed on high-quality archival photo paper with matte finish, the prints are then mounted on a durable yet lightweight foam core and enclosed in a rigid board. 

All of our Mounted Wall Prints have pre-drilled holes on the back and are ready to be hung vertically or horizontally.

Moreover, the 8″ x 10″ and 11″ x 14″ sizes for the 1″ thick Black Faux Wood Textured Edge prints have an optional stand on the back for table displays.

Simply install the stand by inserting it into one of the pre-drilled holes on the back and it’s ready for display on your desk, shelf or table

Mounted Wall Prints

Optional stand for 8″ x 10″ and 11″ x14″ Black Faux Wood Edge Prints only
Crystal Archive Photo Paper with Matte Finish
1″ Thick Black Faux Wood Textured Edge 
Lightweight Foam Core Enclosed in a Rigid Board
Assembled and delivered with pre-drilled holes on the back for wall mounting
Minimum of 300 dpi (dot per inch) resolution at 100% of the final print size

A Unique And Attractive Way To Display Your Favorite Images

Showcase your favorite memories on Mounted Wall Prints with thick, black edges!

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